Happy December everyone!
I absolutely love winter! Sipping hot beverages, tidy cozy cottages, gorgeous scenery, and so much more. I am real sorry I haven't really posted, but I've had a really really, busy December so far. I decided to change my background, given the advice of a friend of mine. My background won't match the season. I will try to post around 3 to 4 times a week, because of my busy schedule. But I'll be sure to be more in touch with you guys and post more often. Back to winter. where I'm from, It isn't snowing. Not even flurries. Come on, snow, We are all waiting on you. I really want a snow day so I can sleep in and not wake up at like 6:30. Also, it'd be lovely if Virginia's weather would pick a climate and stick to it. I'm sick of a blizzard one week and warmth for three days, and then another blizzard.