The Sweetest Vibes

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hi Again!

Ever had a blue day? This'll help!

Have you ever had a sad day? Well, unless you are a very luck person or sea urchin, you're most likely a victim of poor mood. I hate sad days, you hate sad days. For some of us, sad days trigger bad things like binge watching netflix, eating 3 extra large fries, or sleeping through it all! Instead of doing all of that jazz, try reading this article!

Leedle leedle leedle lee

Any Spongebob lovers out there? Well, Patrick being an idiot sure does help beat the blues! go watch Patrick be stupid! Go on! Oh, and if that doesnt work, watch this. I bet you cant without laughing hysterically!


Well, I have absolutely no idea what makes two cats viciously slapping each other funny, but it is. It took me 3 whole months to get over it and make it without laughing. No lies

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